Browsing All posts tagged under »lies«

Islamic Scholars and Leaders Expose the ISIS Terror Group

September 29, 2014


Sheikh Hamza Yusuf Exposes the lies of ISIS during his Friday Sermon Muslims Scholars Destroy the Theological Arguments Behind ISIS ISIS’s use of Islamic scripture to justify their actions is completely illegitimate. This is important for muslims and non-muslims alike as it shows that simply using ‘this is what it says in the Qur’an’ is […]

Ridiculing the Prophet of Islam Again: An Interview with Muhammad

December 17, 2008


After submission, obsession and fitna, there is now a third film from Holland ridiculing Islam. “An interview with Muhammad” is made by Ehsan Jami, ex-chairman of the Committee for ex-Muslims: Answering the Attacks on Prophet Muhammad (s) In answering the above attacks on Islam, someone who calls himself “Moslem” wrote the following: Some Facts […]